If you are thinking of purchasing a computer and would like some help then contact us.
We can recommend which computer to buy so that you do not buy too much (too expensive) or too little (won't get the job done over the years).
We currently sell Dell computers.
Go to the Dell site pick out a machine and then get a price from us. We can set up the computer in your home or business, network them if you have more than one, and then support those machines to keep them current and safe.
Besides installing and updating all your software before delivering your machine to you, we can add some great free software to enhance your computing experience .
If you need training, from how to use a computer to specific software, we can help.
We can also design simple, inexpensive web pages to give you a presence on the web. Check out our sites below and if they look like something you might be interested in contact us and we will be glad to discuss ideas with you.
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